Travelling time Aug 26th s/d Sept 4th 2011

1/07/2020 10:45:00 PM

Huahh ini cerita dari taon 2011 yang terlupakan T____T
Sudahlah tak perlu dibaca, udah kuno wakkakaka.. Bahkan gue ngetik masi pake basa inggeris conggg... Trus nama orangnya gue singkat2, yah buat yg tau aja deh.. :p

Double dekker

Holiday is comingggg......

Ya, Ramadhan (Moslem's New Year) is coming. In Indonesia, ramadhan is the longest holiday :D

Here is me and my friend (Ms. Y) trip to Singapore - Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) - Cambodia (Phnom Penh) - Cambodia (Seam Reap) - Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) - Singapore. We've booked all flight tickets and hotels.

Day 1 (Aug 26th)

So excited for our trip, come early @5p.m  for 8.05 p.m flight with one bag each.
Even hungry we're still come to airport. and unfortunately the place we want to eat was under renovation.

Walkin around the waiting room, there's only a premium lounge...oh noo... too expensive for us. Finally we've got a snacks! the cheap and we can eat. Ms. Y got 2 pastries @Rp. 9.000,- and me, got yoghurt with longan top @Rp. 20.000,-

Time was flying so fast, and u know whattt????
Our flight was DELAYED!!!! Don't u know we're starvingggg.....

Our first plan to have supper in Changi village failed. We're picked up by Ms. Anti (Ms. Y's friend).
She's very kind person and beautiful! lol. Her face is look like Agnes Monica - Indonesian singer.
can't help my starving stomach, we have our supper at the airport! oh poor us. But its ok, We ate @Hanis. The food were quite good  :) I choose "Laksa" and Ms. Y "spaghetti- dunno what kind of spaghetti :p" The dish is about S$7-12. Because of coming too late so there's no more busssss! We took taxi to her condo (Azalea someting) from changi airport is about S$12.2 because it late night taxi (overtime charge), day taxi will only take S$5,6.

Taking a bath, girls talk, an sleep.

Day 2 (Aug 27th)

Woke up @10a.m. bath! OMG, too late for a breakfast :D 12 a.m heading to bugis to have some branch - breakfast lunch  and some shop. Met the other Fren to going around Singapore. (Ini kayaknya suami gue skrg bahahaha) Start from bugis, S$2.5 for 3 pcs of takoyaki! :D, go for eat @bugis food junction (It'll spend about S$3-12) I ate "Mi item - Yamien chicken with black sauce" S$4, Ms. Y ate Yamien pork with black sauce S$4.5, and Ms. Anti ate Soup Square noodle with beef (Price unknown).


The goods in that place seems the same with indonesia. Remember we dont have BAGGAGE to go to Ho Chi Minh City so I hold my shopping desire.

Magnet S$10 for 4pcs and S$3 for 1
Wallet S$10 for 3pcs / 2pcs for the nicer quality
Fruit Juice S$2
Tea S$1

And many more.

We're spinning over singapore this day But we didn't went to Sentosa Island. U all know much about this country, so I will not explain much.


Day 3 (Aug 28th)
Fly to Cambodia - Pnom Penh

 Day 4 (29 Aug) Ketemuan sama orang Indonesia yg tigngal dan kerja di Vietnam, trus dibayarin makan.
Day 5 (30Aug), ga inget lagi ini ngapain hihi potonya cuman 1 ini
Day 6 (31 Aug) Ke Angkor Wat.

Expirience the Cambodian's tuk tuk.
After 6 hours trip with Mekong express bus, from Phnom Penh to Seam Reap we're picked up by the tuk tuk driver that we've booked before. Baik bener ini orang,,, anterin ke tempat2 lokal bukan tempat turis, bahkan ke angkor wat aja disediain semangka sama air dingin karena dia tau itu panas banget,,, kita di bawa ke bawah pohon buat makan semangka nya.

He is Mr. Srapon, We know him from someone in website *I forgot the name of this someone*
Here is his website
astaga alay amat

kind hearted jewish tourist


Day 7 (1 Sep), gak tau juga kemana, gak ada potonya.

Day 8 (2 Sep) ke Ho Chi Minh @1 p.m. arrived and pick up by our coushsurfing (backpackers community) friend. Her name Is "KERPI" she's a vietnamesse girl. She takes us to go around and bargain price for us :D. Dann.. dia juga yg ajakin kita makan balut egg di gang kecil. Ini foto balut egg gue ambil di google, poto gue gak ketemu haha... gue udah lupa lagi itu makan abis apa enggak :p klo skrg suru makan lagi sih jelas ogah.
Here's some photos there.

Day 9 (3 Sep)
Pagi ke Chu chi tunnel, ini ikut tur kayaknya... masuk2 tunnel buset deh kecil2 bener orang sono ya. mana panjang2 tunnelnya,, klo gue sih mati engap klo masuk yg 2km hihihi...
Siang belanja... murah sih,, tapi penjualnya nipu... T__T gue beli 4 kaos yg bagus, pas buka sampe jkt yg 1 dituker ama yg jual. Salah kita sih ga ngecek ulang, punya tmn gue juga dituker 1.
Malem makan di kapal, dannn... gara2 nawar 1 dolar di travel.. kita gak di jemput. lalu kita nawar becak fifteen, abangnya dengernya fifty! MAMPUS! BRANTEM! uda mo gue bayar tapi kata tmn gue ga usa, kita lari aja... mana itu blum sampe tujuan,, gelo,, ini negara orang dan kita gak tau arah. ampe tangan gue ditarik2 si abang, tangan sebelah ditarik2 temen gue. mateng deh yauda gue ikut tmn gue,, masa gue ikut abang becak. hiakakakkaa.... Untung ini siangnya udah jalan di daerah tempat kita diturunin, jadi samar2 tau arah. tapi ya masi nyasar2 juga sih hahahaha.. ini pengalaman paling bego kayaknya lol.

woii dulu gue langsing amattt
Day 10 (4 Sep) kita pulanggg :D

The end ~~~
Cuman buat kenang2 an.


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